Brew Better Coffee: 8 Things That Can Make or Break Your Brew

Are you tired of sipping subpar coffee? Do you want to elevate your daily brew to the next level? Look no further - we've got the scoop on the eight factors that can make or break the quality of your coffee.

From the freshness of the coffee near me to the brewing method you choose, these little details can greatly impact the flavor and character of your cup of joe. So if you're ready to up your coffee game, read on to discover the secrets to brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

  1. The quality and freshness of the beans

It’s a no-brainer that you need to buy the freshest coffee beans from the most trustworthy coffee shops. But that’s only half the battle. The other half is keeping your beans fresh until they’re ready for roasting, grinding, and brewing.

But that isn’t all; the freshness of roasted beans goes downhill if they're not stored properly after roasting. Exposure to oxygen starts the process of staling, and coffee roasters do their best to prevent this by packaging their beans in gas-flushed, vacuum-sealed bags that keep oxygen out and let carbon dioxide escape.

Oxygen isn’t the only element that can cause your coffee to go stale - light, moisture, and heat can also all play a role. So if you want to keep your perfectly roasted coffee fresh and flavorful, ensure to store the beans correctly once you open the bag.

  1. The grind size

The grind is just as important as the beans for the ultimate coffee quality. You must get the grind right or risk ruining your cup of joe. Too coarse, and you'll end up with weak, acidic coffee. Grind it too fine, and you'll have a bitter brew that'll make you pucker up like you just sucked on a lemon. It's all about finding that perfect balance.

And as with coffee beans, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the best grind. It all depends on your brewing method and personal taste. For example, if you're an espresso aficionado, you'll want a super fine grind to extract all that rich, creamy goodness from your beans. Nonetheless, it pays to experiment and find an ideal grind for your perfect cup of coffee.

  1. The grind freshness

Coffee is like a freshly baked pie - it's at its best when it's freshly ground and served hot. In fact, ground whole coffee beans will stay fresh for around 60 minutes before losing most of their highly sought-after quality.

Grind your beans right before brewing for the best taste and aroma. And forget those fancy burr mills - an affordable electric whirly blade grinder will do just fine (make sure to give it a little shake to get an even grind). But be warned - the finer the grind, the bolder the flavor. So if you're not ready to commit to a full-blown coffee addiction, go easy on the grind size.

  1. Quality of the water

The old adage "water is life" couldn't be truer when it comes to maintaining the highest coffee quality. After all, it makes up 98% of your finished brew! So if you want to sip on some seriously delicious coffee, it's important to choose the right water to make it with.

First and foremost, it's best to avoid tap water if it has a funky taste or smell. These off-flavors can easily make their way into your coffee and ruin the whole batch. Instead, opt for filtered or bottled spring water for a clean and pure taste.

  1. The coffee dose

The dose (aka gram throw) is another critical factor that can influence the quality of your coffee. Before you start brewing, remember that you'll get a richer, more uniform brew if you weigh your dry coffee grind. That's opposed to using the cliché coffee measuring scoops, spoons, or cups.

A digital kitchen scale will come in especially handy. It helps you measure your ground coffee by weight for added precision. Generally, you'll need around 15g of ground coffee for a standard brew. That means you'll need around 60g for four cups of coffee, which is enough to serve a small family.

  1. Tamping

Tamping is like giving your coffee a firm, loving hug. It helps to create a beautifully even, a dense puck of coffee in the portafilter basket. This ensures that the hot water will flow evenly through the grounds, extracting all the tasty flavors as it goes.

Soft tamping or not tamping will allow the water to percolate quickly, leaving most of the flavorful goodness behind. Likewise, you don't want to go crazy with the tamping pressure. 15 kgs are the sweet spot, but consistency is always key. After all, you don't want to give your coffee a bone-crushing embrace and end up with a subpar brew.

  1. The brewing method

The brewing method you choose can have a significant impact on the quality and flavor of your coffee. For instance, drip brewing is like the Goldilocks of coffee brewing methods - not too strong, not too weak, just right. It's a reliable choice for those who like a smooth, balanced flavor without any fuss, especially if you use the best coffee near me.

On the other hand, espresso is like the shot of caffeine you need to wake up in the morning (or the afternoon or the evening). It's strong, concentrated, and packed with flavor. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you might bounce off the walls.

  1. Coffee equipment cleanliness

If you're sipping on your cup of joe and it tastes a little off, it might not be the coffee beans' fault. It could be that your machine is harboring some old milk, old coffee grounds, or other grossness contaminating your brew. No one wants to drink that.

So, do yourself and your coffee a favor - give your machine a thorough scrub-down on the daily. Not only is it important for hygiene and, health & safety, but it'll also ensure that your coffee is as fresh and tasty as possible. Because who doesn't love a clean, high-quality cup of joe?

Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or a novice looking to learn more about the craft, these are all important factors to keep in mind as you brew your next cup.

Written by Maximilian Lucena
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